About the retreat

Our community is a Christian community dedicated to strengthening the faith walks of our brothers and sisters of any denomination so that they can serve more effectively and joyfully in the places where God sends them.

To be involved in this community we welcome you to one of our retreats, called the “walk weekend”. It is designed to rejuvenate and re-energize the relationship between attendee (called “Pilgrim”) and God. It’s a three-day retreat where a Pilgrim (you, we hope!) will experience the love of Jesus very intimately, and perhaps unlike you have ever experienced before.

About the Retreat

So, you’ve been invited to go on a Walking With Jesus weekend, but you want to know more? Let us help you out with that!

For Information about how we got started, see our History page.

The Weekend in Overview

The weekend itself runs from Thursday evening through Sunday evening. Your Sponsor (the person who invited you) will take you to the retreat and bring you home once it is over. Attending a weekend is somewhat different from other outings and retreats you may have attended. It starts from the moment you pack your suitcase.

What To Leave Behind

Leave the distractions of the world behind when you go. We will take care of all of that for you.

You are encouraged to leave your cell phone and watch behind. We understand that this is difficult for some folks! The purpose of this is to open yourself fully to God’s schedule and remain in the moment the entire weekend. Your loved ones at home will have an emergency contact number if they must reach you, and of course your Sponsor will also be able to help if needed. If you have specific needs or concerns, we invite you to communicate them with your Sponsor. You might need to take medicine at a certain time, and the team is happy to help with that. If you have dietary needs, your Sponsor can help.

What To Bring With You

Clothing for the season. You will be walking between buildings but spending most of your time indoors. Many people find having a bible useful. The rest of what you bring depends somewhat on the site (East Side or West Side) for your weekend.

West Side

Click to be relocated to Skycroft

The West Side(Skycroft Conference Center) lodging is motel-like accommodations. There is no need to bring bed linens, sleeping bags, towels, washcloths. Bring toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, razors and other items you are accustomed to.

East Side

Click to be relocated to Camp Wo-me-to

The East Side (Camp Wo-Me-To) lodging is dormitory-style rooms with shared bathrooms. Twin beds are provided but not pillows or linen service. Bring either sheets and blankets or a sleeping bag for the bed and a pillow if you want one. Bring soap, shampoo and any towels or washcloths with you in addition to toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, and any other items you are accustomed to.

Arriving at the Retreat

Once at the retreat, you will meet members of the team that have organized this weekend and will be with you the whole time. The team will include clergy and lay members of the community who at one time have taken the same or similar journey as you.

The Weekend Events

There will be 15 talks during the course of the weekend. Some are given by clergy, and some by other team members. You will have small group time, led by a team member (called your Table Leader). There will be music and prayer, you will have time to rest. Of course there will be plenty of food!

Some team members use makeup and costumes with a “script” to wordlessly communicate a message or idea that will prepare the Pilgrims for an upcoming event. This is known as Christian Clowning. The process and theology is explained early in the weekend. You will see how a clown prepares him or herself, including the prayer that covers him or her, and putting on the make-up that becomes the clown-face. If you have any misgivings or concerns about this element of the weekend, we encourage you to communicate that to your Table Leader. We really can accommodate you!

Once the weekend concludes, your Sponsor will be there to pick you up from the retreat. Your Sponsor will likely want to hear about your walk, so they might like to take you out to dinner before returning you to your home. 

This Weekend is a Gift

This walk weekend is a gift from your Sponsor and the the Community. The Community is made up of people who, like you, once wondered what this was all about. The people who serve on team for these weekends (or who continue to sponsor pilgrims like yourself) have found their weekend experience valuable and want others to have that same opportunity. We hope you will feel the same way! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please ask your Sponsor. Your Sponsor has prayed and felt led to invite you, so s/he will be a great source of information. 

We hope you will prayerfully consider trusting the Lord, your Sponsor and the team and agree to go on a walk. We are confident you will be glad you did. We can’t wait to serve you on an upcoming walk!

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